Team project, our route was focusing on the idea of a traversable wormhole. We wanted to create an experience to display the feeling of wormhole travel. Through research we found out that a wormhole would probably appear as a sort of crystal ball rather than a hole, we tried to give this feeling by projecting into a sphere. The experience was intended to be like going to a laboratory and trying a simulation so we created a brand for this company BiFröst the name was from Norse Legend and was a bridge that connected the earth realm to the gods realm. The idea being that a Wormhole also called an Einstein Rosen Bridge is a bridge that can connect our realm to others. I am happy with our final work, especially because we got everything ready and working very quickly by dividing the work between the group. The only thing I would change if I was to do this project again was the sphere we projected on. It worked well but the idea is that a wormhole would be like a crystal ball so I would have been good to project onto a clear balloon if possible so that people could touch it and engage more with the experience.