My final project for university. I wanted to help a local skate page improve the quality of its social media content and designs to help make the transition towards becoming a skate brand and a potential business. Run by Ben Watson a local of the Petersfield (Hampshire) skate scene who started buying blank boards and spray-painting simple designs for the local skater kids. The premise was that skaters break boards so often that it can add up fast. A new board can cost from £40 - £60 because HomeGrown is D.I.Y. printing costs are removed from the manufacturing price. So homegrown boards could be sold at £30 - £40. D.I.Y and punk culture are a big influence in skate culture so it seems very important that I kept that look when designing the logo and wanted it to be something Ben could still do himself or give a tool for the kids to do themselves. The logo typeface was hand made to give it more personality but uses straight lines sharp points similar to typefaces like avant garde or century gothic based on the look of Ben’s early designs he always used type similar to these. I made sure the logo was made of shapes could be stencilled and the main focus was on the H and G and how they interact. The G acted as the shape of a skate bowl/pool and the H interacts with that shape linking them into a smaller version that can be used separately for labels or stickers etc. For a digital version of this, the logo was hand-made as a stencil and painted in a way to create texture, I then made that into a vector so it could be used digitally and scaled up mauch larder if needed. That was then used to produce an actual die cut stencil that could either go with the boards or be used by Homegrown.