My route was focusing on getting lost in the fantasy of technology. After listening to a conversation between two comedians, Craig and Luke, they touched on some interesting points about going to a bar and people being absorbed in their phones. My final work was intended to give the feeling of being overwhelmed by technology by using the aesthetic of code and pixels. The typeface for the code style was Lucida Console, which is often used in coding. For the pixel typeface I created my own blackletter typeface made with a grid to give a pixel look. It was based on Lucida Blackletter, which seemed appropriate because I wanted to use Lucida Console. I wanted to use a blackletter to demonstrate fantasy as shown in my research. With the created typeface I produced 3 animations based on the conversations to be projected onto multiple walls in a room to give the feeling of being trapped or lost inside technology. To go along with this were posters and banners to advertise the event and I have mocked up how these could be used.